35 Years of Excellence in Building Brands
We use something novel in brand-building: our brains.
Amid the rush to AI, there’s an important role for inspired and enlightened human thinking in building brands – the kind that allows brands to break past ordinary bounds and achieve true excellence. It’s this kind of extraordinary thinking that Cascade Strategies has consistently provided clients for more than three decades.
Tell us about your needs

Examples of Better Thinking for Clients
Expedia Group
Maintaining strong loyalty among most-profitable customers
Delta Dental
Identifying consumers most strongly aligned with your brand values
Seattle Seahawks
Focusing marketing messages on the most profit-optimal consumer
Hewlett Packard
Discovering who loves your brand the most and focusing on the needs of that person
Blue Cross Blue Shield
Maintaining strong relationships with consumers for better health outcomes
American Express
Identifying B2B consumers who strongly prefer your brand over others

Client testimonials
Join our ever growing community of happy and satisfied clients. We are driven by the successes clients experience in the application of insights gained from our consumer and market research programs.
“Cascade Strategies has done outstanding work for Kaiser Permanente for 10 years, and their segmentation model for sales paths allowed us to earn the Best Practices Award.”
Medicare Marketing Director
Kaiser Permanente
“Cascade brings an impressively wide variety of advanced analytical techniques to address a host of business issues. They are equally adept at strategic thinking and tactical execution. They are also no-nonsense people who will really tell it like it is.”
VP Research
Capital One Securities
“I’ve worked with Cascade many times over the years. In each and every case…Cascade has gone the extra mile allowing us to get the last bit of insight out of the research.”
United Nations Office for Project Services