Who We Serve
The clients we serve form a veritable honor roll of leading US and international companies, including the following:
A Contemporary TheatreACL ServicesADVO, Inc.
Agilent Technologies Airborne Express Alaska League of Conservation Voters Alldays feminine care (P&G) Alliance for Puget Sound Shorelines Allianz Insurance AloeCure Altrec.com Always feminine care (P&G) American Automobile Association American Express AnchorDesk.com Aquafresh toothpaste Arang Beauty Products Ariel detergent Arts Corps AT&T Avella sweets Avenue Dental Avista Corporation Bag Borrow or Steal Bank One Barnett Banks of Florida BASF Become.com Behavioural Team Bellevue Towers BellSouth Benecol spread Blue Cross/Blue Shield BlueView MarineTechnologies Boeing Employees Credit Union Bold detergent Bonamondo Bounty detergent Brandner Communications Brevard County Tourism Board (Florida) Briazz Bridge House Bristol Myers Squibb BuildServ.Com Cadbury-Schweppes Cafe Concepts West Carnival Cruise Lines Caruso Affiliated Cellular One Charmin toilet paper Chase Bank Chateau Ste. Michelle Winery Chili’s Restaurants Chooka Boots CIBA-GEIGY Corporation Circle One Marketing Citigroup City of Tacoma: Community & Economic Development Department Clark & Associates Coca Cola Conoco Phillips Copacino Creative CopperFin Cornerstone Partners Costco Creature CRM Group Cucina, Cucina Restaurants Customerville Daz detergent DDB Worldwide Communications Group DDBdirect Delta Controls DHL Worldwide Dial Corporation Disney Company, The Dominion Energy Domino’s Pizza Door to Door Storage Dream Dinners drugstore.com Dun & Bradstreet Egg Eddie Bauer |
Emerald Solutions Energizer flashlights Enlight Network Ernst & Young Essential Markets Euro RSCG Tatham Partners Expedition Trips Exvere Fairy dishwashing liquid Ferrero International S.A Fidelity Fire Mountain Gems First Alabama Bank Flexcar Florida Ballet Florida Power & Light Focus FGW Franciscan Health System Fuel LLC Garden Botanika Gardenburger Gargoyles GE Corporation Gene Juarez Salons & Spas General Motors Georgia-Pacific Company Gillette razors Global Mobility Systems Grid Ventures, Inc. Gridpoint Energy Group Health Cooperative GTE Guaranty Bank Haägen Dasz ice cream Hanson Maslen Group Hardee’s Head & Shoulders shampoo Healia.com Hewlett-Packard Hobie Sunglasses Honda Hornall Anderson Design Works Hospital Corporation of America Humana, Inc. Humongous Entertainment Hydrogen IBM Icom ICT Imandi In View Software Incapa Systems Independent Life Insurance InfoSpace ING Direct Bank Instant InfoSystems InterDev International Insights International Media Partners Intiman Theatre Iomega Corporation IRB International Ltd. Isomedia iTango Kaiser Permanente Kenco Coffee Kentucky Fried Chicken Kenworth Keystroke Financial Kidder, Peabody & Company Kiwi shoe care Kraft Foods Kroger Stores Lakeland Communities LLC Lakeland Development Landor Associates Lap Band Company Lawry’s Foods Leadership Institute of Seattle League of Conservation Voters Lego toys Lenor detergent Liberty Bay.com Lindal Cedar Homes |
LIOS Consulting Corp. Love’s Rewards Lowry Park Zoo (Tampa) MA Network Madison Hotel Magadanskaya Vodka Marriott Hotels Marsh Advantage America McCann-Erickson Advertising McDonald’s McNeil Nutritionals Medalia Mercata Mercata.com Mercer Island Group Metro Parks Tacoma Microsoft MOHAI Moloney & O’Neill Life Inc. Moxie Ventures MSDN/Microsoft Developer Network Museum of History and Industry Nalley’s Foods National Geographic Magazine National MS Society NCR, Inc. Neighborhood Restaurant Group Nestle NetCommerce NetMotion Wireless NetStock Direct Nicorette anti smoking Nike Nivea Northwest Children’s Fund Nutrisystem NW Children’s Fund Ocean Spray fruit juice Odessa Brown Children’s Clinic Old El Paso taco sauce Onyx Software Opel (GM Germany) Outback Steak House Overlake Hospital Medical Center Pacific Place Pacific Rivers Council Pampers diapers Pan Pacific Hotels Pendleton Woolen Mills Pepsi Persil detergent Pfizer Philadelphia cream cheese Pine Street Group L.L.C. Pinpoint Direct Marketing Management Pizza Hut Corporation Play Network, Inc. Pontiac Division of G.M. Porsche Cars North America Port of Seattle PowerPick, Inc. Precor Incorporated Precor USA Prince Hotels Pringles chips Procter & Gamble Proof of Brand Providence Seattle Medical Center PSMC Public Facilities District Publix Supermarkets Purex Pyramid Communications Quality Dining, Inc. Rapid Responder Realty Trust Red Lobster Restaurants Royal Caribbean S&K Men’s Stores Safeco Seattle Aquarium Society Seattle City Light Seattle Mariners Baseball Club Seattle Men’s Chorus Seattle Seahawks |
Sedgwick Rd. Service America Corp. Service America Corporation ShareBuilder Corporation Shredded Wheat cereal Sierra Pacific Power Company SolutionsIQ South Waterfront Southwest Wind Power Speakeasy Spikessoles Sprint St. Vincent dePaul Society Staples office supplies Starbucks Coffee Statewide Poverty Action Network Strategic Research Associates Sumitomo Bank Sun Microsystems Suncadia Resorts SunCom Wireless Sunnyside Community Hospital Sunnyside Hospital Supreme Corq Sybase Technical Apparel Platform of K2, Inc. Telekom Italia The Alliance for Puget Sound Shorelines The Hacker Group The HansonMaslen Group The Leonhardt Group The Nature Conservancy The Pacific Institute The Rockey Company The Trust for Public Land Ticketmaster Time Warner T-Mobile Toll Free Cellular Transamerica Unilever Union Carbide United Industries United Lending Company United Way of King County United Way of Snohomish County University Book Store University of Washington Upjohn Company, The Urban Retail Properties VenuePop Volvic water VTech Communications W. R. Grace WA Department of Health Wall Data Warner Lambert Washington Dairy Products Commission Washington Mutual Washington State Lottery Washington Wine Commission Waterstreet Technology Group Inc. WEAVE Wella shampoo Western Wireless Westin Hotels Westlink Wet ‘n Wild Water Parks Weyerhaeuser What a Concept Williams-Helde Communications Winebid.com Winn-Dixie Supermarkets Wireless Boulevard WK Capital Enterprises West Woodland Park Zoo Worker Bees World Concern World Vision World2Market XYPOINT Yesler Software |

Tell us how we can help you
Cascade Strategies can serve your market research needs from the most straightforward to the most sophisticated project. Don’t hesitate to contact us to tell us about your next project, or your overall research needs in general. You can call (425) 677-7430 and ask for Jerry, Nestor, or Ernie. Or send us an email at info@cascadestrategies.com. We’ll get back to you quickly!