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“Distillation” Is Shaking Up The AI Industry

--> 07 Feb

Copyright: Airam Dato-on   Paradigm Shift We’ve recently written about recent AI advancements and popularity, particularly generative AI like that of ChatGPT, driving renewed demand for data centers not seen in decades.  This surging demand pushed tech investors to put $39.6 billion into data center development in 2024, which is 12 times the amount invested […]

AI Boom Pushes Demand For Data Centers

--> 28 Jan

The Demand For Data Centers Do you know how much energy a ChatGPT query consumes?  If you use a traditional Google search to find the answer, that particular Google search would use about 0.0003 kWh of energy, which is enough power to light up a 60-watt light bulb for 17 seconds.  A ChatGPT query (or […]

What’s Going On With Consumer Startups In The Age of AI?

--> 13 Dec

Enterprise Over Consumer The dawn of the Internet era witnessed the emergence of huge consumer companies like Amazon while the advent of mobile technology had Uber and the like on the forefront. However, it appears that the tide has changed in this new age of AI with startup founders and investors appearing to favor enterprise […]

The Children of Millenials: Getting Your Brand Ready For Gen Alpha

--> 22 Nov

You’ve done your high-quality segmentation study and persona development, considered single-segment focus and/or multi-segment strategies, crafted buyers’ journeys with psychographic segmentation.  Your marketing plans form a playbook catering to a multi-generational audience of baby boomers, Gen X, Gen Y (Millenials) or Gen Z, but have you made room for Gen Alpha?  Who Are Gen Alpha? […]

“Humanizing” Market Research with AI

--> 07 Nov

The Boon and Bane of AI The increasing and widespread utilization and demand for Artificial Intelligence have been met with both excitement and reservation.  Excitement for the possibilities AI’s implementation unlocks, oftentimes steps ahead of the curve or beyond expectations; reservations not only stemming from the risks over its unethical and unchecked use, but also […]

The Future of The Workplace with AI

--> 25 Oct

Concerns Over AI in The Workplace Much has been said and concerns have been raised regarding the impact and influence of Artificial Intelligence in the way we do work and conduct business, despite AI’s popularity and appeal reaching mainstream and cultural heights in just the last few years.  Most of these reservations stem from the […]

So Why Use AI For Your Small Business?

--> 16 Sep

Artificial Intelligence has actually been around for decades already but it grew past being a buzzword and into the mainstream in 2022 with the surprise popularity of OpenAI’s ChatGPT.  Nowadays, it might be challenging to find someone who doesn’t have an iota of an idea of what AI is and what it does.  In fact, […]

Can Synthetic Respondents Take Over Surveys?

--> 19 Aug

What Are Synthetic Respondents? AI has increased operational efficiency by streamlining knowledge bases and shortcutting processes so it’s no surprise people and companies are looking for more ways for its application.  For market research, one curious consideration is whether it could take over surveys, essentially by replacing actual respondents with synthetic respondents.  Also known as […]

AI In Market Research: The Story So Far – Chapter 3: A Glimpse Into A Future with AI

--> 22 Jul

This is the third installment in our series on AI webinars.  The inspiration for this series is a simple question about what these AI seminars are saying.  There are hundreds of these seminars floating about, all based on the premise that AI technology is here to stay, people are curious about it, and they want […]

AI In Market Research: The Story So Far – Chapter 2: Limitations of AI

--> 24 Jun

Despite AI’s expanding popularity in market research, experts are fully aware that there is still a lot of ground to cover regarding their effectiveness and optimization for use cases, along with understanding and mitigating their risks and limitations. These limitations reveal themselves most especially in efforts to replicate human behavior. One research paper on a […]