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Great Research Can Help Assisted Living Facilities Attract the Right Clients

--> 28 Jun

Is your loved one’s home not as clean and tidy as before? Do they have an empty refrigerator or is it filled with spoiled food? Frequent bruises? Same clothes every day? Do they appear to become forgetful, depressed or exhibiting strange or inappropriate behaviors?   These are just some questions that HelpGuide.org has gathered when […]

Appropriate Use of AI

--> 12 Jun

The Rise Of AI Believe it or not, Artificial Intelligence has existed for more than 50 years. But as the European Parliament pointed out, it wasn’t until recent advances in computing power, algorithm and data availability accelerated breakthroughs in AI technologies in modern times. 2022 alone made AI relatively mainstream with the sudden popularity of […]

How Great Research Produces Great Campaigns

--> 06 Jun

Can AI Produce Your Marketing Campaign? If you were given the task of developing a global communications campaign for a technical products company, would you let ChatGPT do it? You might, especially if you noted that ChatGPT could churn out dozens of ads like the one above without paying art directors, copywriters, media professionals, or […]

How Great Research Helps Tech Companies

--> 02 Jun

How Well do you Understand Your Customers’ Needs? As a Tech Company, how well do you know your customers? In most cases, identifying who has an affinity for your brand and focusing on the needs of that customer type can spell success for your products, especially the launch of your new offerings. Sure, you might […]

How Great Research Helps Financial Services Companies

--> 30 May

From maintaining loyalty and fostering customer relationships to focusing marketing messages on the most profit-optimal consumer, great research is helping Financial Services companies identify not only their best customers and prospects but also their needs and why they prefer their brand over others. This is done through a high-quality segmentation study and persona development, which […]

Five Ways AI Can Help Telecom Companies Improve Their Marketing

--> 25 May

By moving away from business-driven marketing towards customer-centric, data-driven, and highly customized efforts, companies like telecom operators can thrive in these rapidly changing times. Here are five examples of how telecom companies can benefit from utilizing Artificial Intelligence in their marketing: 1. Increase in Product Marketing With the millions of customer data they’ve collected, telcos […]

How healthcare people can help underserved populations

--> 10 Apr

There’s no shortage of knowledge about the healthcare needs of underserved communities in the US such as the Hispanic, Black, American Indian/Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander subpopulations.  What may be lacking are workable and effective efforts to address these needs. There are two main parts of this problem: Communication issues Lack of practical programs. […]

Importance of brand surveys.

Importance of Brand Surveys

--> 03 Apr

If your company or firm provides services or products, either to the public or other businesses, you need an in-depth understanding of how the market works. Market research provides you with relevant data to give your establishment a competitive edge over others. One reliable research method to gain insight into the market, brand perception, and […]

Evaluating Decisions

--> 27 Mar

What if every US citizen had a dollar for every good decision made by the president and lost a dollar for every bad decision?  How much would Americans have in their “Decision Account” now?  What about a half-good decision?  Would Americans’ Decision Account be credited for 50 cents?  Clearly, the whole matter hinges on what […]

Responsible AI – What Causes Bias in Training Data?

--> 20 Mar

Over the past few decades, the use of AI in business has grown tremendously. By 2030, AI may generate up to $15.7 trillion in revenue to the global economy. From process automation to sales forecast, the potential applications for AI in business are nearly limitless. But, you’ve still got to wonder, what happens when we place […]