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Are you un-siloing your marketing data?


These days many people are trying to rescue their various forms of marketing data from the separate, often uncommunicative systems where they reside (“silos”) and integrating these data streams into a coherent framework for decision making.  Is your company doing that — un-siloing your marketing data?

If so, please tell us about that experience.  Are the efforts to create marketing data integration running smoothly?  Have unexpected problems arisen?  Are you building a master marketing dashboard for monitoring and adjustment?  Is that working out well?  What can others who may be planning such marketing data integration projects learn from your experience?  Please tell us below.  We welcome your comments!

  1. Tom Watson

    We are un-siloing our data that was separated goegraphicaly in different worldwide sales offices. Our process toward a single worldwide marketing and sales database is moving along with few roadblocks other than getting the offices to transfer their data.

  2. bobbyboy in atlanta

    Mixed story for us. We were all excited at the inception of our project, thinking our difficulties would be over — no more security permissions, re-formatting of datasets, waiting for IT people, etc. to get at the data we really needed. It would all be a snap. It’s just not as easy as advertised. It takes much longer and requires much more legwork from each owner of the data than we ever thought possible. Definitely do marketing data integration, but don’t believe the folks who say it’s easy or cheap.

  3. georgiaflyingace

    We’ve hired a very large data contractor to help us with the installation of some whiz-bang martech tools, which we hoped would basically replace the five systems we have now, which don’t speak to each other, and take the place of one-at-a-time research projects as well. Well…the project hasn’t exactly been a dreamy success. A lot of cross-functional and “collaborative” meetings where the same things get said over and over again. It’s kind of disturbing. Six months into the process, there’s a lot of expense, a lot of wasted time, and nothing to show for it. Count me a skeptic at this point.

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Cascade Strategies can serve your market research needs from the most straightforward to the most sophisticated project. Don’t hesitate to contact us to tell us about your next project, or your overall research needs in general. You can call (425) 677-7430 and ask for Jerry, Nestor, or Ernie. Or send us an email at info@cascadestrategies.com. We’ll get back to you quickly!
