Nonprofit Marketing Basic and Advanced Strategies
29 JanWhat is Nonprofit Marketing? Effective marketing allows businesses to thrive and profit, but it is just as important for nonprofit organizations. You could even say that coming up with a strong marketing strategy is even more crucial for nonprofit organizations, given their limited resources and manpower. With competent and dynamic nonprofit marketing, a nonprofit organization […]

The Importance of Psychographic Segmentation in Brand Building
01 NovWhat Is Psychographic Segmentation? So you’ve completed your research on the demographics of your online perfume store and you’ve seen that women in their twenties in Seattle were your top buyers. That’s great, you thought as your mind started to work on the outlines of your next campaign targeted towards these women. However, you discovered […]

What It Means to Choose or Decide In The Age of AI
19 SepLongstanding Concerns Over AI From an open letter endorsed by tech leaders like Elon Musk and Steve Wozniak which proposed a six-month pause on AI development to Henry Kissinger co-writing a book on the pitfalls of unchecked, self-learning machines, it may come as no surprise that AI’s mainstream rise comes with its own share of […]

Nursing Homes Close as Need for Care Grows
31 AugNursing Home Challenges According to a report by the American Health Care Association and National Center for Assisted Living (AHCA/NCAL) in April 2022, more than 1,000 nursing homes have closed since 2015. This breaks down to 776 closures before the COVID-19 pandemic and 327 closures during the pandemic. The same report also projected 400 […]

The Emerging Consensus On AI
24 AugThe Future Is Here “Mitigating the risk of extinction from AI should be a global priority alongside other societal-scale risks such as pandemics and nuclear war.” With just 22 words, we are ushered into a future once heralded in science fiction movies and literature of the past, a future our collective consciousness anticipated but […]

How Can Healthcare Companies Identify Who Needs Remediation Programs?
17 AugWhat Is Remediation? The Cambridge Dictionary defines remediation as “the process of improving or correcting a situation.” Remediation programs are commonly employed in teaching and education wherein they address learning gaps by reteaching basic skills with a focus on core areas like reading and math. And as pointed out in an understood.org article, remedial programs […]

Kissinger’s Warning on AI
10 AugThe Impact of AI In The Age of AI, which Henry Kissinger co-wrote with Eric Schmidt and Daniel Huttenlocher, Kissinger tried to warn us that AI would eventually have the capability to come up with conclusions or decisions that no human is able to consider or understand. Put another way, self-learning AI would become capable […]

What To Make Of ChatGPT’s User Growth Decline
31 JulThe Beginning Of The End? More than six months after launching on November 2022, ChatGPT recorded its first decline in user growth and traffic in June 2023. Spiceworks reported that the Washington Post surmised quality issues and summer breaks from schools could have been factors in the decline, aside from multiple companies banning employees from using […]

How to Market Your Software Company in 5 Steps
19 JulAccording to Investopedia, only 80% of startups survived after one year, with reasons for failure ranging from money running out, being in the wrong market, lack of research, bad partnerships, ineffective marketing, and not being an expert in the industry. As a counterpoint, they cite activities such as setting goals, accurate research, loving the work, […]

10 CPG Trends and How Market Research Has Responded to Them
30 JunKyle Byers of Exploding Topics has written recently about nine key trends in the CPG industry. We’d like to focus on those nine trends below, add one of our own, and talk about how market research has responded to these trends. From food and drinks to apparel and cosmetics, consumer packaged goods (CPG) are a […]