AI In Market Research: The Story So Far – Chapter 3: A Glimpse Into A Future with AI
22 JulThis is the third installment in our series on AI webinars. The inspiration for this series is a simple question about what these AI seminars are saying. There are hundreds of these seminars floating about, all based on the premise that AI technology is here to stay, people are curious about it, and they want […]

AI In Market Research: The Story So Far – Chapter 2: Limitations of AI
24 JunDespite AI’s expanding popularity in market research, experts are fully aware that there is still a lot of ground to cover regarding their effectiveness and optimization for use cases, along with understanding and mitigating their risks and limitations. These limitations reveal themselves most especially in efforts to replicate human behavior. One research paper on a […]

AI In Market Research: The Story So Far – Chapter 1: Adapt or Get Left Behind
10 MayWhether you like it or not, AI is here to stay. Yes, AI is a threat to most jobs, including those in the market research industry, since it shortcuts processes while optimizing operational efficiency. While market research technology didn’t develop as fast as other industries in the early to mid-2000s, the advent and subsequent mainstream […]

AI Webinars Are Everywhere – What Are They Really Saying?
10 MayWith AI becoming more ubiquitous each passing year, it’s no surprise that webinars dedicated to the subject have been springing up everywhere. Amid the hype, people are either curious, interested, or to some degree invested in what AI’s increasing popularity means for them as well as the industries they’re part of. These webinars serve as […]

How A Market Research Company Can Help a Consulting Firm
08 MayYou’re familiar with this scenario: a business organization runs into a problem they can’t solve in-house, so they turn to your consulting firm to help figure out the solution. The problem turns out to be more complicated than anyone could imagine but thanks to your experience and expertise, you were able to come up with […]

Can A Small Market Research Firm Help A Big Tech Company?
30 AprMarket research has proven itself to be an indispensable and critical tool in helping companies identify their audiences and achieve their marketing goals. As with any tech company, market research groups can come from small or large firms. You might be inclined to go with a larger market research firm because of the common adage […]

How Can Software Development Companies Do a Better Job of Targeting New Customers?
26 MarSoftware Marketing Today If you look all over the Internet, you’ll find a multitude of articles talking about the most effective strategies for marketing your software development company. Ranging from seven to fifteen different strategies, these articles feature proven techniques like email marketing, social media or content marketing, pay-per-click (PPC) advertising or paid ads, and […]

Can Psychographic Segmentation Help Financial Services Companies?
11 MarWhy Is Market Segmentation Effective? By now you’ve most likely come across the idea that instead of using the “blanket” approach for marketing by using demographic or geographic data, you and your marketing goals can be better served by identifying your ideal customer and then focusing and tailoring your marketing campaign towards that consumer. This […]

ALF’s Need to Do a Better Job of Targeting New Residents
27 FebWhat Are The Challenges of Assisted Living Facilities (ALF) Marketing? With a value of almost $92 billion in 2022 driven by almost 70 million baby boomers in the United States turning 65 between 2011 and 2030, the assisted living industry is poised to continue growing in the coming years. Despite the ever-growing demand, assisted living […]

Can Nonprofit Organizations Do a Better Job Of Targeting For New Donors?
09 FebWhy Acquire New Donors for Your Nonprofit Organization? They say it’s easier and less costly to keep and maintain existing clients than acquire new ones. The same can be applied to nonprofit donors. But don’t let that stop you from getting new donors to join and support your cause. Existing donors once were prospects. You […]