Quantitative Research Services
Cascade Strategies is eminently capable of handling your quantitative research project.
For a wide range of clients we are currently conducting the following types of studies:
- Brand Benchmark Tracking
- Attitude and Awareness Measurement
- Customer Satisfaction
- Market Segmentation
- Mystery Shopper Studies
- Advertising Effectiveness Measurement
…and many other types of quantitative projects.
We are a full-service shop, offering services in study design, questionnaire preparation and testing, data collection and quality control, data processing and crosstabulation, statistical analysis and modeling, interpretive analysis and report-writing, and implementation of results.
For further information, please contact Jerry Johnson at (425) 677-7430. Or e-mail him at cascade@cascadestrategies.com.

Tell us how we can help you
Cascade Strategies can serve your market research needs from the most straightforward to the most sophisticated project. Don’t hesitate to contact us to tell us about your next project, or your overall research needs in general. You can call (425) 677-7430 and ask for Jerry, Nestor, or Ernie. Or send us an email at info@cascadestrategies.com. We’ll get back to you quickly!