• (425) 677-7430
  • info@cascadestrategies.com

Cannabis Marketers Needs Survey
Prize Drawing:
Official Promotion Rules


  1. ENTRY.Drawing and survey begin on Wednesday, July 20, 2022 and end at 11:59 p.m. Pacific Standard Time on Wednesday, September 14, 2022.  The cutoff date for eligible entries for the drawing is Wednesday, September 14, 2022.  To enter, complete the survey available at https://wh1.snapsurveys.com/s.asp?k=165722042212 by 11:59 p.m. Pacific Standard Time on Saturday, August 20, 2022.  To enter the drawing by mail without taking the survey, send a 3”x 5” card with your name, address, telephone number, and e-mail address to:  Cascade Strategies, Inc., 2032 Newport Way NW, Issaquah, WA 98027, USA, ATTN: Hannah Johnson, Director of Research.  Mail-in entries must be postmarked between July 20 and September 14, 2022 and must be received by 11:59 p.m. Pacific Standard Time on Wednesday, September 14, 2022.  Limit one (1) entry per person or e-mail address.  If multiple entries are received from any person or e-mail address, all subsequent entries will be disqualified.Survey sponsor is not responsible for any type of technical difficulty (including, but not limited to: network server issues, connection problems, failed phone, computer, or telephone transmission, any type of technical failure), postal difficulty (including, but not limited to: late, lost, damaged, or postage-due mail), or any other type of error whether human, mechanical, or electronic.  Any type of defective entry will be automatically disqualified.  
  1. ELIGIBILITY.Promotion is open to United States residents and residents of foreign countries only to the extent permitted by prevailing law.  Promotion is void where prohibited by law.  Survey sponsor is not responsible for any real or imagined loss to prospective promotion participant due to the void status of promotion required by prevailing law.  Eligibility is further limited to those who have confirmed in writing that they have read these contest rules, are 18 years of age or older, and consent to the procedures in Section 4 below, including their consent to the use of their email address as a non-attributable sequential marker to enable a random choice of winner to be made among all qualifying participants. 
  1. DRAWING AND PRIZES.On or around September 14, 2022, one (1) selection will be made at random from all eligible entries per the procedures in Section 6 below. Eligibility is defined by Section 3 above.  Odds of winning depend upon number of eligible entries received, approximately 1 in 600 under the parameters of the survey as originally designed.  Total value of all prizes is $500 (US) and no more.  No prize substitutes allowed.  Winner may not transfer a prize.  Taxes on the prize are the sole responsibility of the winner.  Only one (1) prize per person will be allowed.  Prize will not be awarded to a participant who fails to provide the confirmations listed in Section 3 above.
  1. DRAWING PROCEDURES AND PARTICIPANT CONSENT.The purpose of the random drawing is to attract respondents to a research survey.  There is no sales or marketing purpose.  Survey respondents will be asked if they wish to participate.  Those who decline will not be included in the drawing pool.  All survey respondents will be given a link to these rules, so they may make a judgment as to whether they wish to be included in the drawing pool or not.  Among those who remain in the drawing pool, their email address will be requested on a non-obligatory basis (i.e., they will still have the chance to withdraw their participation if they do not wish to provide an email address).  The use of the email address as described in Section 6 below will be explained to them, so they may make a judgment as to whether they wish to withdraw their participation or not.
  1. METHOD OF DETERMINING WINNER.The email address will not be associated with a person.  Instead, it will be used solely as a non-attributable sequential marker to be included on an anonymous list of survey respondents for purposes of the random drawing.  No identifying information such as name, phone number, address, or similar identifying information will be requested from the survey respondents.  Such identifying information will be unknown to the persons conducting the random drawing.  On the drawing date (per Section 4 above), a random selection of one (1) anonymized, non-attributable email address will be made from among all the anonymized, non-attributable email addresses in the drawing pool as of that date.
  1. METHOD OF NOTIFYING PRIZE WINNER.  While the name and other identifying information about the winner remains unknown, the survey sponsor will notify the anonymized, non-attributable email address by email that he/she is the winner of the prize.  The winner will then have one (1) week to respond to the email by saying he/she acknowledges winning the prize and would like to receive it.  The anonymized, non-attributable email address will then be asked if he/she meets the eligibility requirements found in Section 3 above and Section 8 below.  If the selected winner fails to reply with sufficient information within the allotted one (1) week, it will result in disqualification and an alternate winner will be selected per the procedures found in Section 6 above.  This process will continue until either the prize is awarded or no valid entries remain.  At no point will any identifying information be requested of the prize winner(s) or prospective prize winner(s).
  1. PRIZE AND AWARD.  The survey sponsor will transfer five hundred dollars ($500) to the winner electronically, using an online service such as PayPal, Zelle, or a similar service that provides for transfer of funds to an email address without identifying information such as name, address, phone number, etc.  At no point will the name or other identifying information about the winner be requested.  Actual method of transfer is at the discretion of the survey sponsor.  Winner will be asked as part of eligibility confirmation if this method of transfer is acceptable to him/her.  If the winner declines, he/she will be disqualified and an alternate winner will be selected per the procedures found in Section 6 above.  This process will continue until either the prize is awarded or no valid entries remain.
  1. OPTION TO CONVERT A PRIZE TO CHARITABLE CONTRIBUTION.The winner may request conversion of a prize to a charitable contribution in an amount equivalent to the value of the prize (in US dollars).  To exercise this option, the winner must state in writing that he/she wishes to make this conversion, and must state the name of the charitable organization which is to receive the funds.  The organization named must be a 501(c)(3) nonprofit charitable organization in accordance with US law.  Any exception to this requirement will be solely at the discretion of Cascade Strategies, Inc.  Written statement may be emailed to cascade@cascadestrategies.com, ATTN Hannah Johnson, Director of Research, or may be mailed to Cascade Strategies, Inc., 2032 Newport Way NW, Issaquah, WA 98027, USA, ATTN: Hannah Johnson, Director of Research.  Winner must provide a mailing address, contact name, phone number, email address, and website URL for the recipient charitable organization. 
  1. DESTRUCTION OF THE LIST.After the prize has been successfully transferred, the list of anonymized, non-attributable sequential email markers that was used to make the random selection of a winner will be removed from all the drives and/or servers of the survey sponsor.  Any survey participant may request a copy of the Certificate of Record Destruction.  Written request may be emailed to cascade@cascadestrategies.com, ATTN Hannah Johnson, Director of Research, or may be mailed to Cascade Strategies, Inc., 2032 Newport Way NW, Issaquah, WA 98027, USA, ATTN: Hannah Johnson, Director of Research.
  1. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION.For additional information regarding this Promotion, contact:  Cascade Strategies, Inc., 2032 Newport Way NW, Issaquah, WA 98027, USA, ATTN: Hannah Johnson, Director of Research.  Phone +1 (425) 677-7430.

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