Recognizing The Ideal And Most Profit-Optimal Consumers For Your Campaign
Cascade Strategies helped develop a marketing targeting model for Kaiser Permanente’s subsidiary Group Health Cooperative dubbed the “Survivor” campaign.
At the time, there were around 600,000 marketing pieces being sent each month to all 65+ consumers in the trade area. GHC wanted to cut down on the mailers and just send to clients who were most likely to sign up for a supplement plan.
Cascade Strategies conducted a comprehensive brand exploratory for GHC which resulted in a master brand typology.
Based on a persona analysis, we identified the “Survivor” consumer type as the ideal target for this marketing campaign.
During the early months, we sent mailers only to the “Survivors.” The gross response rate to the campaign hovered under 0.3% but once the learning model removed the non-producing households and focused on the ideal targets, the response rates jumped to the 1.2 – 1.3% range. This translates to ROI massively increasing by 410% as the “Survivor” responders proved more likely to to sign up for a GHC Supplement plan in the succeeding months. In fact, the “Survivor” marketing campaign won the 2008 Kaiser Family Foundation Best Practices Award.

Tell us how we can help you
Cascade Strategies can serve your market research needs from the most straightforward to the most sophisticated project. Don’t hesitate to contact us to tell us about your next project, or your overall research needs in general. You can call (425) 677-7430 and ask for Jerry, Nestor, or Ernie. Or send us an email at We’ll get back to you quickly!